Logistic preparations for the holidays in corona time: think about this!
The fact that the holidays of 2020 look different than previous years is clear to everyone. The coronavirus has resulted in more working from home and that meetings with large groups of people are no longer self-evident and safe. In addition, we are going out less and we are ordering massively online. What does this mean for retail, hospitality, e-commerce and other industries? Nynke Oolders (HR Manager/Marketing Hoza) explains which logistical preparations are essential for the holidays of 2020.
More online purchases in November and DecemberHoza's HR manager and marketing, Nynke Oolders, says that things are changing this year about the holidays: "The corona crisis forced people to stay at home. As a result, many people have become familiar with online and online shopping in particular. We will notice this during the holidays in November and December. More people order their gifts, clothing and supplies for Christmas online. Even older people who previously did not order online were forced to do so and are expected to continue to do so.
Logistics trend: peak of the holiday season continues
Nynke also underlines that a trend is visible. The peak of the holidays doesn't stop after Christmas and New Year's Eve, but continues longer. "There is a lot of demand for logistical resources, mainly because people are becoming even more comfortable with online ordering thanks to the corona crisis and the holidays. As a result, the peaks are expected to continue much longer and both retail and specifically the e-commerce sector will continue to be busy after December"
Saving costs on logistic resources during the holidays
How can you respond optimally to these prolonged peaks? This can be done, for example, by renting logistical resources or by used roll containers in order to reduce costs and remain flexible.
Repair and maintenance
In addition, it is important to consider repair and maintenance. By maintaining and repairing logistic equiptment such as roll containers on a regular basis, these products will stay in the processes. In this way you do not have to invest unnecessarily in new logistic equipment again. After all, repair and maintenance are faster and often cheaper than the production of new roll containers. The logistic equipment are only out of the process for a short period of time and then quickly operational again.
Spread expenses by buying and renting roll containers
Another possibility is to spread expenses. By buying a part of the logistic equipment such as roll containers and renting a part, you benefit from both advantages. Renting is of course flexible and ideal when you want to absorb peaks. Purchase is suitable when you know that you are going to use a certain number of roll containers anyway. Keep this limited, because a surplus of logistic resources takes up space. This results in unnecessarily high storage costs.
Rent roll containers at Hoza
The corona crisis has created an uncertain period for many industries. Renting and buying used containers are the perfect solutions. Hoza can deliver this quickly. Are additional measures being taken by the government today? If so, it will be possible to deliver or pick up containers the next day. Hoza helps! Please contact us for the possibilities and questions.