Modified flower trolleys for Royal FloraHolland
Clientcase Royal FloraHolland
At Royal FloraHolland, thousands of carts full of flowers and plants are sold and exported to various European destinations every day. Within Royal FloraHolland, the flower trolley is the most commonly used means of transporting flowers and plants. We produced and supplied this trolley to further increase the level of service within Royal FloraHolland for Valentine's Day. Curious? Read more here!
About Royal FloraHolland
At Royal FloraHolland, thousands of carts full of flowers and plants are sold and exported to various European destinations every day. The Royal FloraHolland organisation is a not-for-profit cooperative that brings together supply and demand from buyers and growers. It is the largest flower auction in the world: more than 90% of the Dutch trade in flowers and plants goes via Royal FloraHolland to consumers. Growers bring their flowers and plants to the auction where they are stored in cold stores until the auction starts and they are traded. The export auctions are located in Rijnsburg, Naaldwijk and Aalsmeer.
Aluminium trolleys
A fast delivery of daily fresh products starts with the right logistic means. Royal FloraHolland uses trolleys to deliver products to every auction location. We have been producing these trolleys with shelves for decades, and it is also a very important link in the logistics chain.
The transport of flowers and plants by trolley
Within Royal FloraHolland, the flower trolley is the most commonly used means of transporting flowers and plants. The aluminium trolley has three shelves as standard. All trolleys are equipped with an RFID chip (Radio Frequency IDentification).
The flower trolleys are used by the customers at each auction location for supply, use and transport. A buffer is available at each location to maintain a very high level of service.
Long-term cooperation
In 2009, the members of the cooperative had to vote on a merger between the flower auctions of Aalsmeer and Naaldwijk. This had a positive outcome. In addition, a new standardised trolley was promised. At the time, Hoza, together with a partner, was commissioned to modify 260,000 trolleys so that they could be used at all auctions to increase efficiency. In addition, the modified trolley has a higher load factor and the environment has been spared through the reuse of materials.
Increasing the level of service within Royal FloraHolland
At this moment we produce again a considerable amount of aluminium trolleys, which Hoza has to deliver for Valentine's Day. This is to further increase the level of service within Royal Floraholland. We expect the project to be completed on 1 February 2020, so that these essential trolleys can be used well in time.
Are you curious about our roll containers or would you like to know what we can do for you? Then please contact us!